We found 2 episodes of Teaching Python with the tag “writing”.
Episode 106: Interview with Al Sweigart
February 23rd, 2023 | 56 mins 1 sec
education, python, writing
After years of being atop our "must-have guests" list, Kelly and Sean finally get to interview Al Sweigart, author of Automate the Boring Stuff with Python, as well as many other books and courses that help people learn Python more effectively.
Episode 43: Writing Content for Asynchronous Learning with David Amos
April 14th, 2020 | 1 hr 5 mins
pedagogy, teaching, writing
As teachers around the world move into online teaching and learning, we must consider ways to modify our way of teaching. Writing and communicating in an online learning environment, while making connections with your students, is a very important first step. This is the first episode in a two-part series.
In this episode, Sean and Kelly talk with David Amos, a writer for Real Python about how he makes connections with his Real Python tutorials and we will share tips and techniques for developing quality online writing for learners.