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Enhancing Learning: Unleashing AI's Potential in Computer Science

Learning through Critical Thinking with ChatGPT

In a recent quiz, I asked my students, "Why is it important to understand context, concept, and content when using ChatGPT to code graphs?"

This question sparked a lively discussion in my class, reinforcing my belief in the critical importance of teaching practical applications like critical thinking, prompt crafting, and the role of AI as an educational tool. It also prompted my reflection on how to address the arguments of whether using and leveraging the power of AI in coding could be perceived as an academic shortcut to learning.

In today's AI world, integrating artificial intelligence is becoming increasingly significant. However, it's crucial to emphasize that AI in education should enhance, not replace, the learning process. Understanding Context, Concept, and Content are ideal for effective interaction with AI.

Context, Concept, and Content: Key Elements for Effective Interaction

Knowledge and skills will always trump mere information. However, empowering learners to apply what they've learned practically and meaningfully will lead to mastery and innovation.

For those new to ChatGPT, prompt engineering is fundamental. It involves crafting clear instructions to guide AI in generating relevant and insightful responses. Students can quickly use ChatGPT to answer basic questions, generate essays on familiar topics, or complete repetitive assignments. However, when students engage with ChatGPT on higher-level or more complex topics, a solid grasp of context, concept, and content becomes crucial. These three elements are intertwined and also essential for formulating prompts that yield meaningful responses.

The 3C (Context, Content and Concept) scaffolding approach.
Figure 1. The 3C (Context, Content and Concept) scaffolding approach.

  • Context: Context, in any situation, refers to the surrounding circumstances, background information, or setting that provides a framework for understanding specific events, statements, or actions. Clearly defining the context is crucial when using generative AI. It ensures that the information provided is on point and suitable. This is especially crucial for tasks demanding a deeper understanding, such as coding original projects or discussing intricate subjects. Without a well-defined context, ChatGPT responses may be misinterpreted or inaccurate. The context helps the AI system decipher the user's intent, and provide more accurate answers, no matter the subject's complexity. Framing a question accurately helps to ensure that the AI is more likely to comprehend the intention behind the prompt and provide more accurate and relevant responses, regardless of the complexity of the subject matter. In essence, it demands a form of higher-level learning, emphasizing the need for students to possess a solid grasp of the topic at hand.
  • Content: Content refers to the specific information, data, or material conveyed or shared within a particular context, often forming the substance or core of a subject or communication. Content forms the foundation and essence of a topic or communication. A clear understanding of both the input or information provided and the output from the AI is critical. This comprehensive understanding of content leads to precise and pertinent responses, empowering students to critically evaluate and effectively use the information provided by the AI.

  • Concept: The concept is the fundamental idea or principle that forms the basis for understanding a particular subject or topic. A solid grasp of basic concepts is vital for effective interaction with AI. Knowing a topic's subject matter and concept is like having a blueprint. It's the foundation that helps to develop a prompt to ensure the AI's responses are accurate and fit the desired task.
    Students must understand the subject matter or concept to accurately interpret responses and identify hallucinations. Interacting with AI should involve an active exchange of information rather than simply accepting answers as they are. This skill requires practice and development, enabling students to engage with information more effectively and gain a deeper understanding of the material.

Coding: Balancing Patterns with Creativity

Coding at a fundamental level involves working with patterns and applying a touch of creativity to make the product unique. For instance, consider the context of how we were using AI in class to create graphs with a Python library like Matplotlib.

Anatomy of a Figure

Figure 2: Anatomy of a Figure

The code is straightforward, and students can copy the code from the documentation posted online. Using this code involves only adjusting the x and y data, selecting the graph type, manipulating the labels and adding some color. With a few tweaks to the example code, a new visual representation takes shape. Yet, telling a compelling narrative with the data and truly understanding the data is the true challenge of the assignment.

Students need to understand the data, the subject of the data, and the intended direction of the data's story to make the graphs meaningful. The story may be hidden inside the interpretation of data, and even if AI can give a variety of responses or graphs, knowing the concept, context, and an understanding of the content is essential.

Here, the intersection of critical thinking and AI is invaluable. While AI systems can process vast amounts of data and perform complex tasks, their understanding of data is fundamentally different from human understanding. Human understanding involves interpretation, contextual awareness, empathy, and the ability to integrate knowledge with personal experience. While AI aids in data analysis, it may not always uncover the authentic narrative within the data.

As of now, understanding is a human trait. The ability to interpret patterns and the creativity to breathe life into the numbers need human insight. It is these cognitive abilities that set humans apart from artificial intelligence and machines.

Clarifying Misconceptions: AI as an Educational Aid

Using ChatGPT or generative AI as an educational tool should not be automatically labeled cheating in all scenarios. Instead, it should be seen and used as a tool for enriching the learning experience. When students use AI equipped with a clear context, a solid conceptual foundation, and an understanding of the content, they can actively engage with AI and the material, learning along the way.

It's important to recognize that AI can be a valuable tool. But while AI presents exciting new opportunities, it's crucial to acknowledge and address the legitimate concerns. One concern is the possibility of students 'skipping out' on the essential steps of the learning process, potentially missing the development of fundamental skills necessary for effective learning or there may be instances where students only partially grasp learning objectives. In such cases, explaining the underlying reasons for specific rules and approaches can instill a deeper respect for them.

Rather than serving as a shortcut, AI can act as a mode for deep exploration and comprehension. It enables students to focus on the process of problem-solving, fostering critical thinking and nurturing a more profound thought process.

Using AI in the classroom doesn't go without some rules. Not only do students need a clear understanding of when to use or not to use AI, teacher also need to remind students of responsible use, understanding privacy protection, equitable access, and transparency. We should ensure that we foster an inclusive learning environment and that we all uphold ethical standards when using AI while empowering students to use technology knowledgeably.

Leveraging ChatGPT in education is not an evasion of the learning process; it's an enrichment of it. By emphasizing the significance of context, concept, and content, we empower students to evolve into capable critical thinkers. Through prompt engineering, they can refine their communication skills, ensuring a more effective interaction with AI. Embracing AI in education is a smart step toward preparing students for a future that blends human intelligence with technological advancement.

How Can Stories in Primary Education Support Sustainable Development in Bangladesh? - Scientific Figure on ResearchGate. Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/figure/The-3C-Context-Content-and-Concept-scaffolding-approach_fig1_373283180 [accessed 30 Sep, 2023]