Teaching Python

We're two middle school teachers learning and teaching Python

Welcome Python Tutor Learner to Teaching Python

Hello there!

At the Teaching Python Podcast, we hold Python Tutor in high regard. Sean and I use it in our classrooms and for our own learning and understanding. We believe in the idea that just blindly copying code without understanding doesn't add to students' knowledge. However, when students truly understand their code and can make sense of complex topics, they become life-long coders.

Listen to these episodes first!

If you're just hearing about us for the first time, you may be tempted to start at the beginning with Episode 1. Don't! (it's not very good). Here's a curated list of our favorite episodes for first-time listeners.

What really matters in computer science

Journeying through the twists and turns of teaching middle school computer science has taught us that learning to code isn't just about syntax or algorithms. It's about problem-solving, embracing failures, celebrating victories, and, most importantly, it's about the adventure of discovery – all seen through the vibrant lens of the Python language.

Thank you

For our loyal listeners and Python Tutor friends, we want to say:

Thank You GIF

Is this a paid advertisement or endorsement?

Both Python Tutor and the Teaching Python Podcast are free, and we do not make any money from our podcast (yet). The two platforms are driven by a shared passion for Python and its community, and we each rely on Patreon support from our audiences.

Recently, we decided to partner with Python Tutor in the original spirit of the "world wide web." Back in the early days, if you had a great site to share, you linked to it from your own website. That's it. There were no ads, no payments exchanged, no link tracking or weird cookies. Just sharing good stuff with the world.

That's all this is. We ❤️ Python Tutor and want to share it with you. Philip is sharing links to us in return. Ain't it grand?

Good Luck

Happy coding, and here's to many enlightening lessons together!

If you want to provide us with feedback, please send us an email