Episode 19
No Longer PyCon Newbies
May 5th, 2019
38 mins 35 secs
About this Episode
This week, Kelly and Sean attended their first ever PyCon in Cleveland, Ohio. Before we flew home, we recorded our thoughts and reflections on this amazing experience. We also interviewed educator attendees from places like the US Coast Guard Academy, Stanford University, and the American Museum of Natural History.
Join us as we reflect on all the amazing people we've met and things we've seen at #PyCon2019.
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- PyCon2019 List on Twitter — People we've met at PyCon2019
- Education Summit - Adopting QPython in smartphones for teaching/learning computational science and engineering - YouTube
- Meg Ray - Keynote - PyCon 2019 - YouTube — The Zen of Python Open Education Resources
- Charles R. Severance - Inside the World's Largest Python Course on Coursera - PyCon 2019 - YouTube — Dr. Chuck!
- Neha Gupta, Jessica Jahnke - Building a Community for Girls with Python - PyCon 2019 - YouTube
- PyCon 2019 - YouTube — Home for all PyCon2019 Videos
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