Episode 95
Managing Your Teacher Workload
August 22nd, 2022
49 mins 12 secs
About this Episode
The Teaching Python podcast speaks with Pete Dring and the tools he has created to manage his workload while teaching computer science and Python. Join us to learn more about these tools and how you can use them to shift your workload from boring to exciting!
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- Create with code — Write python code in the browser!
- Write, run and debug python code in your browser — Welcome to blog.withcode.uk! This site is designed to provide free teaching and learning resources for teachers and students of Computer Science. You can find out more here.
- Amazon.com: Learn Like a Pro: Science-Based Tools to Become Better at Anything eBook : PhD, Barbara Oakley, Schewe, Olav: Kindle Store — Do you spend too much time learning with disappointing results? Do you find it difficult to remember what you read? Do you put off studying because it’s boring and you’re easily distracted? This book is for you.